Благодійний фонд «ТАПС» - ми опікуємось родинами військових, які пережили воєнну втрату та тими, хто чекає рідних з війни.
CF TAPS is a member of the international organization TAPS USA, founded in the United States to support people who are experiencing the loss of a loved oneof a serviceman.
In Ukraine, we have been working since 2018 to provide the necessary support to the families of military by creating projects that help them survive the pain of loss and to adapt to a new life.
From recreational camps for children and adults to psychological supportevery family member - our projects are aimed at making it easier to go througha difficult period.
rested in the camp
Foundation co-founder's business cards video
Yuliya Dmitrova
Founder of the TAPS Foundation
Liliya Kravets
Co-founder of the TAPS Foundation
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