
Hippotherapy as Rehabilitation for Children of Ukraine's Heroes

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  • Hippotherapy as Rehabilitation for Children of Ukraine's Heroes

They say horses are the most sincere creatures on Earth, capable of sensing a person and their mood. If a person is sad, they seem to dispel sorrow and anxiety. Conversely, if you stroke a horse and feed it, it gratefully nods its head and almost seems to smile.

That's exactly what happened last Sunday when we took our kids from the "TAPS" community to a horse farm to interact with the horses. We fed them apples and carrots, visited the riding arena and stables. Brave little TAPS kids even got to ride on horseback. After interacting with these wonderful horses, we enjoyed a delicious meal thanks to (...bakery?...) and played outdoor games like "crocodile" and others to improve attention and mood.

We thank Victoria Rudieva for the initiative and all our community participants for the energy and attention that the children received at this event on a warm Sunday.

It's always more interesting to overcome obstacles and move forward together!

You can watch the story about the trip here:

Hippotherapy for Children Part 1 and Part 2