TAPS Foundation conducted a training session at the recreation base for volunteers who have tirelessly worked since February 24, 2022, with some starting their journey as far back as 2014.
"We need to find strength in simple things that can bring us joy - sleep, water, games, or drawing. We are accustomed to talking a lot, so silence is also a resource. We want to continue organizing similar events, and soon there will be a weekly support group for volunteers at the foundation's headquarters," says Kateryna Chyzhyk, co-founder of TAPS Foundation. Watch our story to see how psychologists helped volunteers who tirelessly work to assist displaced persons and military personnel to relax and recover.
The meeting is held as part of the project "Comprehensive measures for the prevention of psychological health of witnesses of war 'UNBREAKABLE' with the support of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation within the grant component of the EU4USociety project. The material reflects the position of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the position of the International Renaissance Foundation and the European Union."