
Amelin Serhii Mykolayovych


Serhii Mykolayovych Amelin (November 24, 1984 – January 30, 2024) is a soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a participant in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Born and raised in the village Lyubimivka (Dnipropetrovsk region) In 2000, he graduated from the 11th grade of Gymnasium No. 136 in Dnipropetrovsk. Entered the Kyiv Slavic University majoring in "Finance and Credit".

Married, has a son.

A summons came - he refused to hide. He became a machine gunner of the 2nd rifle division of the 3rd rifle platoon of the 2nd rifle company, military unit A7405Z.

Since March 2022, he and his comrades defended the integrity of our state with honor and dignity.

Died on January 30, 2024, from injuries not compatible with life, in the battle for our Motherland, during the execution of a combat mission near the village of Staromayorske, Volnovasky district, Donetsk region, as a result of mortar shelling from the SAF of the Russian Federation.

Serhiy courageously fulfilled his duty as a citizen of Ukraine. He was loyal to his brothers and the state until his last breath.

We are proud of him, Serhiy gave everything for you and me, for free Ukraine and peace, he gave his life, having so many plans and unfulfilled dreams.