
Kolba Ihor Oleksiyovych


Ihor Oleksiyovych Kolba, born on July 12, 1983.

A soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of the 72nd separate mechanized brigade "Black Zaporozhets".
He was born and lived in the village of Lyubimivka, Dnipro district, Dnipropetrovsk region
He graduated from the Lyubimovsk secondary comprehensive school. He worked at the company as a locksmith.
In his spare time, he was fond of fishing and woodworking. He liked to repair things, to create with his own hands. He had golden hands.
You could ask him anything, he had his own answer to everything, he expressed his opinion beautifully and clearly.
They always spoke positively about him because he was a good person. You could always turn to him with any request and rely on him.
On February 6, 2023, he died during hostilities in the town of Vugledar, Volnovasky district, Donetsk region.
His wife and daughter were left without a husband and father.