
The Alley of Memory" in Lazar Globa Park (Dnipro)

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  • The Alley of Memory" in Lazar Globa Park (Dnipro)

The TAPS Foundation initiated the planting of another Alley of Living Memory in our native Dnipro.

This time, Maple trees in memory of our beloved Heroes found their place in Lazar Globa Park.

30 fighters, 30 families, 30 life stories sacrificed by the Defenders so that Ukraine would become free from occupiers.

We believe it is also important that each nameplate has a QR code, which allows you to find the biography of the soldier and memories of him from his relatives.

We thank the Department of Parks and Recreation of the Municipal Infrastructure Utility for their assistance in organizing the planting.

The event was very cozy, and we hope that such an initiative will attract more attention from the citizens to the important issue of preserving the memory of the Defenders of Ukraine. We thank the Ombudsman Mykhailo Karpenko for joining and not being indifferent!

Unfortunately, we will have to plant trees many more times because the war continues, but this is just a small step through which we show our attitude towards the families, mothers, fathers, and children who want to leave the names of their loved ones in the history of our country.