
The Alley of Living Memory" in the village of Lyubymivka

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  • The Alley of Living Memory" in the village of Lyubymivka

At the invitation of the leadership of the Lyubymivka village council, the team of the TAPS Foundation organized the planting of 10 maples in memory of the fallen Heroes of Ukraine who defended our land from Russian occupiers.

Special attention deserves the attitude of the head of the Lyubymivka territorial community, Yevhen Serhiyovych Shyrokikh, towards organizing the event, during which families felt genuine warmth, sincerity, understanding, respect, and honor for themselves and their loved ones who defended Ukraine. Thus, now the fighters who lived in this village have found perpetuation of their feat in the trees, which will grow for many years and delight the residents of the village with their green crowns. Thank you to everyone who attended the event, and to the families, we wish to carry the memory of their loved ones with faith and love...