
Meeting with the families of Ukraine's Heroes in the town of Hubynyha

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  • Meeting with the families of Ukraine's Heroes in the town of Hubynyha

On the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation, May 8, we visited the families of the fallen Heroes of Ukraine in the town of Hubynyha to get acquainted and share about our activities, as well as to support those who have sacrificed the most, fighting for the freedom of our Ukraine.

For our foundation, it is very important to communicate about our activities in person during meetings with communities.

Each family is an important story of its Hero, and every mother, father, and child who has lost loved ones due to the brutal invasion by the Russian occupier on our land should know that there is a community that wants and has the ability to support them, to feel their pain. The TAPS Foundation has the ability to provide comprehensive support and assistance through communication, involvement in thematic events and consultations with psychologists, joint recreation, and master classes.

During the meeting, we also talked with the Head of the Hubynyha United Territorial Community, Petro Yeromenko, about the prospects for further cooperation in the development of TAPS Foundation projects involving the families of fallen servicemen, the missing in action, and captured defenders of Ukraine.

As always, we brought some humanitarian aid with us - 71 boxes of food, hygiene kits from Direct Relief, and Easter cakes from our friend Varfamily. We also distributed our manuals "War Loss: How to Survive and Move On," developed with the support of the Renaissance International Fund, to everyone present.

Thank you, our dear families, for your trust! We believe in, love, and remember our Heroes!