
6 months after the loss


The state of complete depression sets in.

The intensity of the experience diminishes, but not the emotions.

The usual routine changes, and family traditions are partially lost.

Anniversaries, birthdays, and holidays are particularly difficult to endure. The loss of a loved one means that things will never be the same again.

So, what happens to us during this period?

Firstly, it's important to understand that a person becomes physically exhausted from grieving. More precisely, from the strong and conflicting emotions experienced during the grieving process.

Spring is here, the sun is shining, nature is coming back to life, and we are ready to revive ourselves.

But soon it's someone's birthday, and your beloved husband or father will never wish you again. No morning flowers. It's unfair.

And birthdays? When the whole family gathered. New Year, Christmas – these holidays when miracles happen. But there are no miracles, only sorrow in the heart.

All of this can trigger a state of depression once again.

But there's another way.

You will have to do a tremendous amount of work. You'll need to learn to celebrate holidays again. Invent new traditions, family rituals.

I think family life can be compared to a vessel that two people molded together for many years, and when one of them leaves – the vessel breaks. It's impossible to glue the pieces back together, but you can create a mosaic from the fragments. And it will be wonderful.

AUTHOR - Larisa Rybyk