
Small steps to each other


“Small steps to each other” Forum in 2020, where we united the families and the specialists at one location. The families who still feel pain inside because of the loss of loved ones and the psychologists, art therapists, and other specialists. All of them are living in the same country that is suffering from war and they have already learned how to effectively support those, who faced the tragedy. 

6 months of preparation for the Forum, 2 days of intensive and especially important work. And unbelievable emotions that made the event sensual, nostalgic, and family-like. The Forum was opened by the video speech of our American partners from TAPS USA: Bonnie Carroll, Fatma Megrahi, Paul Meyer, Audri Beugelsdijk, and Metty Mirrer.   

Then for two days, the participants dived into various activities - psychological classes, art therapy, yoga, handmade, unusual simulators, and useful lectures.

"For the first time during the war, after the loss of my husband, I spoke with a psychologist and I liked it because I felt that I was understood," said the wife of the military who died in Ilovaysk.