
Unite, support, help.


On Sunday, a forum for the families of fallen heroes titled "One step closer to each other" took place in Dnipro. This year's theme was "Your own by your side". The event, organized by the public organization "TAPS-Ukraine" with the support of the Dnipro City Council, was held for the second time, this time at the Youth Recreation Park "Novokodatsky". Approximately 130 people participated in the forum. All attendees honored the memory of the fallen heroes with a minute of silence.

"TAPS-Ukraine" won the competition for projects of public organizations for financial support from the city budget to conduct this event for the second time. Such social projects are extremely important. They provide not only leisure and beneficial communication, but also unity, support, and assistance to people who have lost family members in the ATO/OOS. Such gatherings greatly unite people," said Yulia Dmytrova, Deputy Director of the Department of Social Policy of the Dnipro City Council.

Participants of the forum had the opportunity to attend thematic lectures, participate in creative workshops, physical and sports practices. There was also a health zone (massage, yoga, manual therapy), art therapy, and entertainment for children with animators.

The highlight of the forum was the work with a strong team of psychologists in groups or individually.

"Today, there are people here who, unfortunately, are united by a common grief, which takes a lot of strength and empties you out. There is such a thing as 'frozen grief', when it seems that a person has experienced loss, but in reality cannot move forward due to their inner state. Therefore, the task of psychologists is to teach people to help themselves when they feel overwhelmed, when things get really bad. There are special techniques that help a person help themselves, rather than keeping everything inside. In short, we help people to fill themselves up so they can live on," said Olena Shylova, widow and psychologist at "TAPS-Ukraine".

Thirteen-year-old Daria Kuriata participated in the forum for the second time: "I really like the creative workshops here, especially pottery. It's such a wonderful, relaxing therapy. Overall, the atmosphere here in nature is wonderful."

Oksana Hayduk came to the forum from Nikopol with her son.

"We are grateful to the organizers for such a wonderful forum. Various locations, warm communication, useful information, advice from psychologists. It's nice to be part of such a friendly family of participants."